Covid-19 Situation

Armed With Harmony is committed to the safety of our clients, their events and guests, co-vendors and our staff. Until instructed otherwise we will continue standard operations. We are aware of the ban’s in BC, AB, and QC of events over 250 people and will comply with any decisions the SK government or Health Authority implement. We are in the process of extensive measures to clean our working spaces, equipment and continue to implement a clean and safe work environment for our staff and event patrons. We are closely watching the evolving situation and since we are a local small business, we are nimble enough to react to the situation quickly. If you have any concerns about your event please contact us at [email protected] for further clarification.
At this time, the following protocols have been implemented:
1. We are closely following information from the Saskatchewan Health Authority and the Public Health Agency of Canada and will implement any measures they recommend.
2. Our staff have been made aware of the information provided by the Saskatchewan Health Authority and have been asked to remain home if they feel sick as well as contact the Saskatchewan HealthLine 811 if they believe they have symptoms of COVID-19. We will continue to share best practices for hand washing/sanitizing and respiratory health with our staff and guests.
3. We have increased cleaning frequency and procedures in our facility. We have taken extensive measures to clean our equipment and continue to implement a clean and safe work environment for our staff and event patrons.
4. We are assessing our upcoming public events and will make informed decisions as necessary. We are aware of the ban’s in BC, AB, and QC of events over 250 people and will comply with any decisions the SK government or Health Authority implement.
5. As per our terms of agreement all retainers & deposits are non-refundable. We will be offering a deposit credit to be used for a mutually agreed upon future booking date/time if any bookings must be adjusted due to illness. There will be no cash refunds.
6. Should you have any questions, our customer care team will be easily accessible via phone, email or skype/video chat. Should you have any questions about your upcoming event, please feel free to contact us at your leisure.
We understand that there is a lot of uncertainty at this time, but we are committed to helping our clients realize their events with as little interruption as possible.
See below some great images we have found in the process