Want to do something different from the Standard Wedding "Slide Show"
We offer REAL TIME #Hastag Slide Shows or Text To Scren Messages and Images

Note For Wedding Slide Shows
*you must supply the laptop (NO iPad or iPhone) we supply all cables for Mac & PC. (HDMI or VGA)
*max distance from Laptop to Screen/Projector 40 Feet.
*For #Hashtag Wall or Text To Screen Wi-FI MUST BE Supplied (Twitter Only (Pending current API's), “Private” Accounts Do NOT show on screen)
*Wedding #Hashtag Due 2 Weeks Prior To Event with Agreement
*We Do Not Create Social Media Accounts for You
*max distance from Laptop to Screen/Projector 40 Feet.
*For #Hashtag Wall or Text To Screen Wi-FI MUST BE Supplied (Twitter Only (Pending current API's), “Private” Accounts Do NOT show on screen)
*Wedding #Hashtag Due 2 Weeks Prior To Event with Agreement
*We Do Not Create Social Media Accounts for You