Looking for that WOW factor for your next event?
Confetti Cannon's will suprise your guests and party with that OMG moment!
The come in many different colors and can be set off via remote control.
Best part, they do NOT require expnsive and hard to find/transport Co2 Canisters to be set off PER shot.
All shots are electronic, this means cheaper and more accurate/controlled blasts!
Be sure to check out our other special effects:
- 1st Dance On A Cloud
- Geysers (Upwards Shooting Smoke Machines. Won't set off fire alarms. Won't affect breathing)
- Co2 Gun (we also have Co2 Cannons)
- Balloon Drop
- Bubble Machine
- Indoor Sparklers
- Fog & Smoke Machine
- Haze Machine
- Foam Machine
- Disco Balls

See It In Action